"Thank you again for a fantastic training course. It was by far one of the most educational, organised and well paced courses I have attended"
Lucas - Water Treatment Industry
We are a leading Registered Training Organisation in NSW, ACT, QLD, SA & VIC for Test & Tag, Three Phase and Plug Replacement training plus the sale & calibration of Portable Appliance Testers & supplies.
Our training course will give you a National Qualification.
Only a Registered Training Organisation can deliver the unit of Competency from the Electro- technology Training Package, "Conduct In-service Testing of Electrical Cord Assemblies and Cord Connected Equipment"
Electrical Test & Tag Training.
Provider of
Nationally Recognised Test & Tag Training in NSW, ACT, QLD, SA & VIC
"UEECD0007 - Apply Occupational Health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace"
"UEERL0003 - Conduct In-Service Safety Testing of Electrical Cord Connected Equipment and Cord Assemblies"

Parramatta, Dee Why, Campbelltown, Ashfield, Newcastle, Orange, Wollongong, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide & Melbourne
We can run a tailored Private In-House Course at your premises
Training provided by Succeed Training Pty Ltd T/as Test Tag Courses (RTO: 91623)